Nelson Mandelahas formed a group called The Eldersto address causes of suffering around the globe. One area that the council, which includes such members as Jimmy Carter, Desmond Tutuand Aung San Suu Kyi , has been looking at is whether religions oppress women.
In responding to this new organization, New York Timescolumnist Nicholas Kristof recently observed that:
Paradoxically, the churches in Africa that have done the most to empower women have been conservative ones led by evangelicals and especially Pentecostals. In particular, Pentecostals encourage women to take leadership roles, and for many women this is the first time they have been trusted with authority and found their opinions respected. In rural Africa, Pentecostal churches are becoming a significant force to emancipate women.
This week's question is two-fold:
Do you think religions are a factor in the oppression of women? If so, how? If not, please explain your view.
Also, is Kristol right? Are Pentecostals ahead of the pack in encouraging women to take leadership roles?
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